El Camino High School's Visual and Performing Arts Center

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Magic of Music

Think back to your high school teen years. Remember hearing that song that captured so perfectly the relationship with your significant other? Or the trademark song for your class? Or the music that pumped you up before a big game?

In Sunday’s Sacramento Bee (Feb. 13, 2011), Bruce Maiman discusses the personal and universal magic of music (“Music and its transformative power”). According to Maiman, “Part of music’s magic is that its effects are very personal. Music has the power to cause emotions to well up within us– peaceful, relaxing, exciting, festive, foreboding, unsettling, stimulating, invigorating, and more. These feelings are gripping—often irresistible—and they seem to emerge from nowhere. The color our moods, affect our perceptions and generate a behavioral pattern.

“We now know that music increases the release of endorphins—the body’s feel good chemical—hence soothing the savage beast (or reducing your blood pressure. Newer research also suggests musical training enhances the brain's cognitive abilities. Children taking music lessons have experienced higher IQ scores, increased literacy and mathematical skills, even greater sensitivity to emotional cues in social contexts, two skills critical to emotional intelligence.”

The magic of music lives in these emotional responses. The academic subjects like math and science educate us, while the arts help us make sense of our world. And where better to explore the magic of music than in school band or choir?

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